Several years ago.. I owned a franchise of what I like to call "The Traveling Bookstore". It was where I set up a display of books at daycares, and pre-schools. It allowed the parents and others to preview books and order them which I would deliver the following week. My territory had started in Austin but I expanded it to cover a 9 county area covering most of Central Texas. What that mean, was that I kind of stretched my self thin especially during the holiday season.
Of the reasons besides it being a job I enjoyed being around the kids and the people who took care of them. You never knew what to to expect with kids.. They always kept me laughing and wanting to make them laugh also.
During the winter months I found that the "then popular" nylon warm-up suit with matching stretch pants, shirt and lite jacket fit the bill as a uniform. I had several and had not thought of how the kids saw me until one day.
I was working my display in the hallway of a very large church nursery. I was standing, counting my books and tallying the orders when a "duckling" line of little 3 year olds passed by and worked its way down towards the restrooms.
After a few seconds or so I realized that they had stopped and I heard the Teacher at the front of the line say "I don't know? Why don't you go ask him." Looking around I saw a young man shyly and slowly walking towards me as the entire line stood with their "bubbles in mouths" but wide eyed and watching him make his way to me. The Teacher was grinning and pointed at the little man as he approached me then put cupped her palm to her ear as if to say "He's going to ask you something".
Now I've been described as a "large/rotund/big/ fellow and it was only when he asked me his question did I realize what he saw standing looking down at him... I was dressed in my Red Satin Warm-up Suit with Black Athletic Shoes, a White Polo Shirt and a Red Mitten Cap.
He stood at my feet looking up at me but at the same time finding to hard to talk. So I said "Can I help you Young Man?"
His question was..
"Excuse me sir.. Which list am I on?.... I've been trying to be good...."
I looked down at him.... knowing that there could be only one answer...
I said with a smile... "Why... Of Course... I've got you on my GOOD list....
He smiled... thanked me and ran running back to his teacher and classmates screaming "HE SAID I'M ON HIS GOOD LIST! She looked at me and mouthed "Thank You" to me as he went back to his place in line,
Christmas... has never been the same to me again.... Give to Others..... If nothing else... just a little bit...
Of the reasons besides it being a job I enjoyed being around the kids and the people who took care of them. You never knew what to to expect with kids.. They always kept me laughing and wanting to make them laugh also.
During the winter months I found that the "then popular" nylon warm-up suit with matching stretch pants, shirt and lite jacket fit the bill as a uniform. I had several and had not thought of how the kids saw me until one day.
I was working my display in the hallway of a very large church nursery. I was standing, counting my books and tallying the orders when a "duckling" line of little 3 year olds passed by and worked its way down towards the restrooms.
After a few seconds or so I realized that they had stopped and I heard the Teacher at the front of the line say "I don't know? Why don't you go ask him." Looking around I saw a young man shyly and slowly walking towards me as the entire line stood with their "bubbles in mouths" but wide eyed and watching him make his way to me. The Teacher was grinning and pointed at the little man as he approached me then put cupped her palm to her ear as if to say "He's going to ask you something".

He stood at my feet looking up at me but at the same time finding to hard to talk. So I said "Can I help you Young Man?"
His question was..
"Excuse me sir.. Which list am I on?.... I've been trying to be good...."
I looked down at him.... knowing that there could be only one answer...
I said with a smile... "Why... Of Course... I've got you on my GOOD list....
He smiled... thanked me and ran running back to his teacher and classmates screaming "HE SAID I'M ON HIS GOOD LIST! She looked at me and mouthed "Thank You" to me as he went back to his place in line,
Christmas... has never been the same to me again.... Give to Others..... If nothing else... just a little bit...
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