The other day I was out with my camera collecting a few shots of the local fauna... 99% of the time I am by myself when on what I call one of my "photo safaris". I've got a feeling that's because no one would have the patience to travel with ne when I'm "out looking".
I was standing alone at the edge of a bayou peering into its darkness looking for the holes of light that penetrates it's canopy. It is at the edge of those pothole sized pools of light that I find the most interesting subjects to capture on frame.
It was right then, out in the middle of nowhere when I got my "tap on the shoulder"... I didn't have to look around to see who was there. I already knew. He said. "I think you want to talk." I looked down and re-adjusted the settings on my lens as if I didn't feel or hear him...
"Who do you think your kidding?" 'You called me.. I didn't call you' he whispered into my mind.
Yea, I've got some questions that have been bothering me and wondered if you could help out? I muttered as I looked around for a place to sit down and talk.
First... I don't understand why we are out to get each other. Why do we feel that if a person is not doing what we want or feel how we feel about something, that we have to try and change them?
He answered 'There are those who understand that there are many lifestyles on earth. Some feel comfortable in allowing each to pick their own. But there are many others who feel Superior and must demand change. Those are the ones who I am working on... its not a done deal..".
Well how can I best help? I asked.
"By not allowing those who "push" to talk you into going their direction. You know where you want to go and what you want to do with your life."
But it hurts deep down to see what is happening and not be able to stop it. I muttered.
"I understand and I too feel your pain, but know this" he said. 'With time, all will be taken care of, all will be right and THAT..... you have my word on..."
"But"... I started to say...
And He stopped me and said "Do You Believe In Me?"
That... I knew the answer to...
"Then, that's all that matters." as he went his way... "But stop by anytime you want.. I'm always here."
I sat for a couple more minutes looking at all around me that he has given us.... Knowing that if we Believe... that's all that matters..
And I called out to him... Thank You Lord... For Everything....
So.. When things are good and running the way you like, I hope you remember who to thank.
But, if your world seems to be spinning a little fast, take a moment, sit down and call out... He's always there, he's always got a little time to sit and listen..
I was standing alone at the edge of a bayou peering into its darkness looking for the holes of light that penetrates it's canopy. It is at the edge of those pothole sized pools of light that I find the most interesting subjects to capture on frame.

"Who do you think your kidding?" 'You called me.. I didn't call you' he whispered into my mind.
Yea, I've got some questions that have been bothering me and wondered if you could help out? I muttered as I looked around for a place to sit down and talk.
First... I don't understand why we are out to get each other. Why do we feel that if a person is not doing what we want or feel how we feel about something, that we have to try and change them?
He answered 'There are those who understand that there are many lifestyles on earth. Some feel comfortable in allowing each to pick their own. But there are many others who feel Superior and must demand change. Those are the ones who I am working on... its not a done deal..".
Well how can I best help? I asked.
"By not allowing those who "push" to talk you into going their direction. You know where you want to go and what you want to do with your life."
But it hurts deep down to see what is happening and not be able to stop it. I muttered.
"I understand and I too feel your pain, but know this" he said. 'With time, all will be taken care of, all will be right and THAT..... you have my word on..."
"But"... I started to say...
And He stopped me and said "Do You Believe In Me?"
That... I knew the answer to...
"Then, that's all that matters." as he went his way... "But stop by anytime you want.. I'm always here."
I sat for a couple more minutes looking at all around me that he has given us.... Knowing that if we Believe... that's all that matters..
And I called out to him... Thank You Lord... For Everything....
So.. When things are good and running the way you like, I hope you remember who to thank.
But, if your world seems to be spinning a little fast, take a moment, sit down and call out... He's always there, he's always got a little time to sit and listen..
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