Yesterday morning while standing on my porch I felt something touch my left shoulder. Thinking it was a falling acorn or a twig from the tree. Then it hit me that those could not be because I was standing under the roof of my porch...
I looked to my left to find a small sparrow sitting on my shoulder. Just sitting there looking back at me. Dumbfounded I smiled and softly said "Well, Good Morning". Thinking it would surely fly away realizing the predicament it had put itself in.
No... It sat starring back at me. I raised my finger to offer a perch and it stepped out onto it. We stood looking at each other, I in total amazement. I carefully reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone... Switching to camera I posed with my new friend and snapped off several shots knowing that this was going to be the only way anyone would believe my story...
My wife's cousin had just come to visit and I calmly offered the sparrow a branch to sit on within one of my potted plants. It stepped onto the branch and looked at me as if to say... "Go... I'll sit right here."
I ran into the house and called for others to come outside. The cousin followed me out as I went back and offered my new friend my finger perch again.. Again it stepped boldly onto my finger and I asked Cassie to hold out her finger as I turned to show her Sparrow. She too, found a new friend as Sparrow introduce itself by sitting on her newly offered perch.
Again the camera came out and with a few clicks a very overwhelmed young lady had proof that this had actually happened. After a couple of minutes the bird looked at both of us and with a small chirp few to the ground ten or so feet away from us...
I didn't want the local prowling cat to find it there so I walked over to put it in a safer, higher place but it flew away high away and into a tree.
Now they say... that something like this is or could be considered a Good Omen... I don't know...
What I think is that the Maker of All Things sent one of small ones to remind me just how great the world that he made for us really is..
And that with just a little trust in one another... Things can be worked out and we could enjoy life a whole lot better.
Nature is a amazing place... I wish we could learn more from it and it's other inhabitants on how to live life.
Trust goes a long way if given a chance.
After Thought... I went back out and stood this morning.. Sparrow didn't return, but I saw several in the trees above and around me... I will remember Sparrow now each time I see one....
Note the date... Many years ago today we as Human Beings showed again just how mean we can be...
Remembering Pearl Harbor....
I looked to my left to find a small sparrow sitting on my shoulder. Just sitting there looking back at me. Dumbfounded I smiled and softly said "Well, Good Morning". Thinking it would surely fly away realizing the predicament it had put itself in.

My wife's cousin had just come to visit and I calmly offered the sparrow a branch to sit on within one of my potted plants. It stepped onto the branch and looked at me as if to say... "Go... I'll sit right here."
I ran into the house and called for others to come outside. The cousin followed me out as I went back and offered my new friend my finger perch again.. Again it stepped boldly onto my finger and I asked Cassie to hold out her finger as I turned to show her Sparrow. She too, found a new friend as Sparrow introduce itself by sitting on her newly offered perch.
Again the camera came out and with a few clicks a very overwhelmed young lady had proof that this had actually happened. After a couple of minutes the bird looked at both of us and with a small chirp few to the ground ten or so feet away from us...
I didn't want the local prowling cat to find it there so I walked over to put it in a safer, higher place but it flew away high away and into a tree.
Now they say... that something like this is or could be considered a Good Omen... I don't know...
What I think is that the Maker of All Things sent one of small ones to remind me just how great the world that he made for us really is..
And that with just a little trust in one another... Things can be worked out and we could enjoy life a whole lot better.
Nature is a amazing place... I wish we could learn more from it and it's other inhabitants on how to live life.
Trust goes a long way if given a chance.
After Thought... I went back out and stood this morning.. Sparrow didn't return, but I saw several in the trees above and around me... I will remember Sparrow now each time I see one....
Note the date... Many years ago today we as Human Beings showed again just how mean we can be...
Remembering Pearl Harbor....
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