Thursday, December 21, 2017

Giving The Gift of Kiindness

Its the time of year when gifts are past back and forth.  We spend so much trying to make sure that what we give will  be heart felt and enjoyed.

But, what we tend to forget is that the gifts we give do not measure anywhere near as much as our compassion and love towards one another throughout the year.  Its not the material things we give that will be remembered.  Sometimes it's the little things that stand out to those who needed our understanding.   Things like...

A phone call just to say hello and let you know that your thinking of them.....

A pat on the back to re-assure them that what they are doing is appreciated.....

A welcoming handshake to the neighborhood for someone who has just moved in.....

A here let me get that for you....

Maybe just sitting and listening for a few minutes and sharing what your day has been like...

Or stopping to buy a cup of home-made lemonade from the brother and sister act down the street even though you have 2 bottles of water there in car with you.

So many times we pass by an opportunity to let those who mean so much to us or just to a fellow person who could use a little help because we are so wrapped up in our own lives.

Tis that time of the season.... Take time....

Merry Christmas to all...


Monday, November 6, 2017


We will wake up and realize that another's life is to special to be taken away from those that love them.
We'll understand that taking another's life is the most Selfish act that anyone can do.
We will accept that the lives of those around us are not here on this earth for us to control, manipulate or bring harm to.
And then one day, God will realize that it is a time for another Miracle to happen. Because that's the only way these things will end...
Lord... Please take Hate from our hearts and our souls.
And please Lord, let that someday come soon.


Monday, September 25, 2017

Sneak Away.....

Yesterday... I went to the Ivanpah Dry Lake Recreation area at the Nevada/California State Line...

Once on it, I drove for about 5 miles along its edge leaving the sounds of civilization behind me.
After getting out of the car and walking out into the flats of the scrub brush I stopped and looked back at the Highway which was about 3 miles away across the dry lake bed. I watched the line of cars lead up and over hills leading into California now moving silently up and away. 

Only a few minutes before I had been one of those thousands trudging down the road, trapped among the honks and clanks, caught up in our maddening world of having to get somewhere before it's to late....

But now I was all alone, if nothing but for a little while. And ya know what... It was nice...

It was only then did I realize that there was nothing to be heard. There was no wind blowing, nothing stirring... no sound... none...Total silence..

I stood there for a few minutes and tried to hear something... Nothing... how odd... It was like the desert was saying... "Nope... Don't need it." and I've got to admit that there for just a few minutes... it was enjoyable......

Now don't get me wrong. I love our world, our people, our country. I love being part of it.. But... every now and then..... I just think everyone should have a little alone time...

So. if ya don't hear from me, don't worry... I'm still here... I just snuck away for a little bit...

Friday, September 8, 2017

If Only.....

Sometimes, there are things in our world,

that we wish we could change....

But there are others that we wouldn't change for the world....

We think back and we think forward.... 

And wonder what would happen if only we had that power....

To be able to say ....

Oh.... If only....

But we can't do that..... 

Thats not the way it was meant to be.

So I guess the best we can do...

Is be happy with what and who we are...

Besides.... I'm not sure that if we had that power...

If we were able to have everything just exactly our way...

To be able to be in total control...

Come to think of it, No... I don't think we could handle it...


Knowing us, we would still ask for more....

So.. thats why each morning as I start my day...

I ask him to help me.... with....

"Lord... please show me your way...."


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sometimes It's Hard to Keep Quiet

With getting older I find that when I see something going on around me that just doesn't seem right I want to speak out and say... Wait, don't do that.

I want to tell them.  Trust me, I know because I was headed down that path and I know from my own results where that will get you.

So many times I took off in a direction that ended up with me trying to have to take back what I said or fix what I had done.

Isn't it funny how we think we know what we're doing and what it will get us only to find that if we would have stopped first and thought about it, we probably wouldn't have taken that path.

There is the old saying "Don't sweat the little things." But in reality, it's the little things that turn into BIG things before we realize it and then it's to late.

"Oh I'll only do it this one time" turns into a second time and a third until it becomes a "norm" and we don't even realize that "we" have changed who or what we are becoming a "different" person.

I look back now and think to myself... What a fool....  Why did you go there?  What were you thinking." and I shake my head.

There are things that I have done that I know has hurt, scarred and that I have burnt bridges behind me which I know is not a good thing and wish I hadn't done so, but now, all I can say is, that I'm sorry.

With age comes a higher level of understanding of what life is all about I think.  Oh trust me, I am still learning and will never know it all, that's for sure.

So now I've decided that when I see others who are just starting their journey and have so many paths to pick from, I now realize that it is their journey not mine. That they will learn also from their mistakes and actions just as I did.

I guess I have to just say... Be careful, and good luck.....


Onward thru the Fog.....

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Place To Sit and Listen

I don't know why...

The old rural route road sign was almost hidden from sight and the small road went up and over the hill side so quickly that you couldn't tell what was back in there..

 It took me almost a minute on down the highway before I decided I had to go back to see.... It was like it was calling me.  

Way back at the end of the winding country road I came upon an old mill pond with a waterfall under the old abandoned mill shed...

Sitting on the bank.... It was now obvious why I needed to find it.

So, I did what it told me to do....

I sat and listened.

And it told me it's story...

Old Mill Rd. South Central Louisiana

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The River Road

During the years when a scrawny little boy grew up to a gangly teenager and into the first years of an adventurous young man,  there was a road that was as much a part of my life as anything else that allowed me to grow up "Country".  

We called it simply the "River Road." I  travel that road still everyonce in a while if only in my mind when needed. 

 It stretched from Austin to just outside of Bastrop Texas.  It is a road that I could not even try to tell you how many times I rode or drove down. From adventure rides into the big city of Austin to visit family and friends as a little boy, to joy rides later on as a young adult. 

Lots of memories, a lot of good times and lots of good friends who lived along that road and the dirt roads and back roads that came out to meet it as it snaked along following the Colorado River through the leading on towards Bastrop.

 Along the way you came upon an old run down General Store at one of it's curves. I can remember it's screen doors that slammed shut behind you announcing your entry. I seem to remember a Buttercrust Bread hand push on the screen door or perhaps it was Rainbow, it was a long time ago. I can remember the floors creaking under my weight even though I could have been more then 4 or 5 years old.  Looking through the glass countertops to pick a dime or nickle piece of candy then a run to grab a Dr. Pepper to go along with it. 

There was my Best Friend's Grandparents place who lived in the only true Dog Trot Cabin that I knew of at the time. It sat on a little dirt side road leading to nowhere, backed up to the river bottom's hillside overlooding the pastures and crop fields over as far as the little fly through community of Webberville. 

Living in that little community was a lady we use to go see because she owned and raised Cinchillas in a small air conditioned cinder block shed behind her house. To us, at the time, tthey were the most unusual creatures we had ever had the opportunity to hold and cuddle. 

But of course the best memory of that little town was the picnics on Family Night at the Masonic Lodge that my Father and Grandfather were members of. Eating a pot luck banquet of what everyone brought on long tables in the yard. Then as the sun dropped below the pecan and willow trees that were rooted along the banks of the river there, we all took off to catch Fireflys and Ladybugs so we could sneak up on and place on Grandma and Mom's shoulders to only run off laughing as they made a make believe scream so they could hear our giggles and snickers as we got ready for a good game of hide and seek.   

Later as a teenager and into the first few years of manhood, there was  the, at least once a summer, going with my  firends to make the River Road  Full Moon  Run.  Guided only by the full moon and your knowledge of every curve and hump in the road. You did it with your lights off. From the turn off at Hunter Bend Road to the County Park along the river in Webberville.  It was the "real" way to prove to anyone and especially yourself that these were "our" old stomping grounds. OUR back roads.  What a Adrenaline rush.

Then there were the early morning rides after closing down the nightclubs, and Dance halls of Austin to take a ride along it's curves, and straight aways used to show off to a new young lady who had decided to take a chance on a Crazy Country Boy. The ploy was to go watch a beautiful sunrise, while lying on a blanket out in the middle of a cow pasture down by the river.  I can remember the  line oh so well, "Want to go see the Second Most Beautiful Thing in the World?"  with the inevitable question by them,  "The First Most Beautiful  Thing in the world? pause......Well... That would have to be you."  How many nightly rides, how many young ladies? Well, it was the 70's, we won't go there.   

I have gone back several times over the years when and if I find myself in the area.  They come fewer and farther apart now and now- a - days, you have to stop for red lights and pedestrian crossings along some of it's miles.  I must admit, it's just not the same. 

So... The way I travel it now is by closing my eyes and letting the memories of days gone by take over for just a little while.  Allowing me to lean to the left and then to the right as I take its turns and curves then push the make believe gas pedal under my right foot down all the way to the floorboard for it's straight-aways, only letting  up just in time to coast around the next curve without having to touch the make believe brake..... 

That was the way it has always been done.

The way a man can still run that road with his eyes closed. 

Because I still own that road.... 


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Start of a New Year for America

July 5th, 2017

Today we start a new year for our country.  July 4th, 2017 fortunately came and went with great fanfare.

The level of Patriotism was obvious.  Our love for our country is deeply rooted in our souls and this is a good thing, because it is a country that we should be proud of.

In under 250 years we have grown into a country that has shown the world that when a society decides what they want is worth coming together for they will.

I can only hope that the world is still able to look at our country still and have that impression.  But much of the impression given is by our leaders and that means all of our Leaders.

All of those who asked for and were given the opportunity to lead us down the right paths.  Only by demonstrating a unity among themselves can we as a Nation continue to impress the rest of the world.

I was once offered a small tidbit of advice when I was working my way into being an administrator of a group of employees.  It is an old Cowboy "Motto".. and it goes simply..

"If you are going to lead others down the Trail... Look back every once in a while and make sure they are still following you."

I feel that that should be a "Motto" that many of our Government Officials should rise each morning with before they start their day...

Also, take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself.. "Do I like what I see?" If a frown forms on the face looking back at you then maybe you need to rethink your priorities.

Our land is a Great Land and it can continue to be a Great Land if, we all do our part.

Our leaders were put in place to lead us.  Please... Your actions represent not only yourself but every single citizen of this Nation...

Make us Proud... By Leading Proudly.....

Monday, June 26, 2017

So... I Shook His Hand...

While standing the other day at the luggage turnstiles in Las Vegas's airport among what had to be over 2 thousand people I noticed him from across the large room.  He was standing quietly beside what I was soon to find out was his wife.

The people bustled around them, hugging their found travelers or Sons, Daughters, Friends and whomever had arrived for a visit.  But they stood there alone, no one there to greet them nor help them if there was a need.

I excused myself from the person that was waiting with me for our incoming relative and made my way across the room.  As I approached, I read the emblem and the name of the ship that was on his ballcap that he had served on.  I smiled and I extended my hand in fellowship as another sailor and introduced myself.

"Veteran Petty Officer John Glass Sir... I just wanted to Thank You for your time you gave to save our country." He took my hand with a smile and held it strong.

"This young lady with you? Can I assume she waited for you at home back then?"

She nodded and I gave her my thanks also.  A lot of people don't realize what woman like her have and still do go through during those times.

I kidded with him about serving on a Aircraft Carrier and how I didn't think I could have handled being with that many people on one ship.

He smiled and asked what type of ship I had been on and I shared that it had been one of those "little bitty" Destroyers that followed his ship around all the time.  He smiled and said that he could remember standing on fantail of his carrier and looking back at a Destroyer that followed them about a mile or so back serving "Life Guard Duty" during one of their Flight Operations and thinking "no way would he ever be on a ship that small"

We laughed, we both smiled and watched as the luggage started making it's way towards us on the turnstile.

I asked "how many pieces do you have? and he said "Only one, we're only in town for a couple of days. Then he looked away quietly as if not wanting me to see his face.

"We're here to say our goodbyes to one of his best friends who had served with him" came the answer from his wife.

I nodded and understood the reason now for their travels...

"Here it comes now", he said pointing out the small bag and I stepped up and pulled it off the luggage carousel for him...

"Aw ya didn't need to do that" he said quietly regaining his composure.

Sir... If he wound have been able to met you here, he would have done the same right?  It's my honor....

Before they turned to leave, I handed him my business card... "If there is anything I can do while ya'll are in town.  My numbers on the card...

He smiled, and she took it and put it in her purse with "He'll lose it for sure, let me put it where I know we can get it if needed.  Thank you Petty Officer Glass..."

They turned and started to walk away, but then he turned again and asked "What's your first name son?

My name is John, but my good friends call me Johnny Sir.

"Take care Johnny,  Mine is James, never did like that "Sir" title.  And His name was Walter, we all called him Walt."

I smiled back as we shook hands again, this time a little stronger. Then they walked away as I walked over back to my friend and we we watched them go towards the door, her hand holding him at the left elbow while he pulled the rolling suitcase with the other arm.

"Who were they? he asked.

"Oh just someone I just got the privilege to meet" I said as we watched the exit door closed behind them..

"They were in the Navy... a long time ago"... I replied, as I closed my eyes for just a second and threw them a prayer....

New friends can be made so easily....


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Our Turn

I sat the other day on the second row of a university theater with those that are most important to me now a days... The curtain was down, and the family and friends of others filled the room with anticipatoin of seeing and watching a Son, Daughter, Niece, Nephew,  Cousin or in my Wife and my case,  2 of our Great Grandchildren preform in public for the 1st time...

I thought back to how much I had missed of my own two children, now grown adults, due to, well to due to reasons that neither one of them had any control over and that I am sorry for.

I thought back how years ago, I had not been able to attend my Grandchildren's 1st performances or their time on stages as a Grandfather.  We were there but we were thate as Father and Mother instead, due to those who should have been there choose not to be.  And thats OK... we did it proudly and with all the love and understanding of knowing that they were given as much love and care we could possibly give.  All I know is that their parents don't know what they missed.

I thought of what I had lost as a Father to my own 2 Children whom had grown up through their early years without me not being there.  All of the occasions and special times that I had missed due to those who were raising them not allowing me the priveledges of being there as a Father. But that's OK I do have some memories that I will always keep deep within my heart.

Then, I thought back and looked down the row at my Stepson Ron, who sat 4 seats down from me and looked at him as he sat smiling staring at the curtain, waiting for it to rise to see His 2 Grandchildren.

I smiled, thinking of being given the priviledge by his Mother in allowing me to be part of their lives and being able to be there as he grew into his teenage years and into his adulthood.

 A Fine Man he has become there is no doubt, and I gladly beam with a little pride that I had something to do with that or at least I hope I did.

And with all things said and done... I sat and I took my wonderful wife's hand in mine and I promised her that Now is Our Time... That these are the things that we have endured for.

 That it has all been worth it because that Little Blonde Haired Boy with the look of determination and that Little Red Headed Bundle of Joy Girl who were about to step out onto this stage are OUR GREAT GRANDKIDS and No One can take that away from us...

Yes... Now is Our Time...

Our Turn, to Be What We Should Be...


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Sometimes, Ya Gotta Laugh... At Yourself

Sometimes... Ya gotta laugh... at yourself..

Many years ago....

I decided that I wanted to become a part-time Softball Umpire... Don't ask why... I don't remember.

So... off I go reading the required material, taking the test and passing it (yes there is a test). Now to the store to buy the official Umpire Uniform..... A Blue Shirt and a Dark Blue Pair of Pants plus a dark pair of athletic shoes.

You also had to watch at least 16 innings of another umpire doing thier job. So off to the local baseball diamond. What is hard, is to watch the umpire..not the game.... You learn very quickly that the busiest person on the field, is the umpire. Because, with every hit there is a place you have to get to very fast to cover the result of the hit and at the same time stay out of the way of the players...

Now... I'm ready...

Just before leaving the house on my first real Umpiring experience my wife (Lord Love Her) asked me where it was I was going to be. I told her and she rolled her eyes back and while hugging me goodbye said "I'm glad that your insurance is paid up.. Because that is probably the WORST PART OF TOWN you can be in...

Hmmmmm.... Thanks Babe... and I drive across town thinking of all the rules, regulations and what all I had just got myself into... But now I cannot forget her last words... THE WORST PART OF TOWN YOU CAN BE IN.

I arrived one game early hoping to be able to watch the two umpires going through their roles only to find that one of them had not shown up... So... Yep... here I go....

I walked out onto the field and took my place between 1st base and 2nd.. Thank God, at least I was not going to have to be the Home Plate Ump..

The "on field" team warmed up. I tried to look as "Professional" as I could and follow the Golden Rule of Umpiring which is "STAY OUT OF THEIR WAY." All the while, those little words given to me by loving wife kept bouncing around my head.. THE WORST PART OF TOWN YOU CAN BE IN.

Finally.. the moment arrived,,, The Home Base Umpire looked at his watch and at exactly raised his hand.. stepped over the plate and brushed it off with his $.99 cent paint brush... Turned and scanned the field and yelled those most famous Umpire words ever heard..."Play Ball".

The 1st Batter took his stance and the Pitcher glanced over his left shoulder at 1st base.. I don't know why... it's just what they do just before pitching...

I was concentrating and being very Proffessional looking. Knees slightly bent with my palms resting on my knees... That was when it happened..


My reaction... well of course.... I dropped flat on my stomach.....

When I openned my eyes after making sure I wasn't hit. I noticed everyone else on the field were still standing... But looking at me.....

The Southside Track and Field Stadium, which was adjacent to the Southside Baseball Diamond Complex, whiched was seperated by a very large row of thick trees, was where the Regional High School Track and Field Competition had just started the 1st 100 yard relay race.... At exactly With yes... The shot of a starter pistol.....

I didn't continue to be a Softball Umpire very long.... Main reason... it seemed about every third game, one of the two teams that had all laughed at me as I picked myself up and dusted my self off that first night was playing... I also remember that I had gotten a standing ovation from everyone in the stands.

From that game on there was someone who always yelled out "Hey Blue... got your bullet proof vest on?"

Yep,,, Ya just gotta laugh.. at yourself...


Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day Honors

In Memory of those who did not return....
On these days set aside for them, let's remember those who did not return while serving their country for what they believed in.
If you knew one personally. Talk about them, who they were, what they meant to you and how you miss them. Or... at least take a few moments to think of them and what they must have gone through... It's not that hard...
Those are the greatest honors you can do for them.
Then pray that soon the verse of Isaiah 2:4 can come true.
:"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.."
From near the begining of man's existence there have been battles... At each battle there was almost always one weapon present. It hung at the warrior's side ready to be drawn to defend one's homeland or as a weapon of assault by those who came to conquer.
A warrior's sword in many cases was the deciding factor whether he was to walk away a victor or be remembered as one who gave his life for what he believed in.
Remember them....

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Farm Fresh Corn

Thinking back to the fields of cotton and corn that my
Brothers and I passed through each May to start our \
summer escapades.

The corn ran 4 cents a ear if they picked it, 5 cents if we picked (correct me Brothers if I'm wrong on the price).  Usually started picking about this time of the year and this time in the morning...

 I got to go only on the last few of those excursions myself but the memory is still with me and will always be ...

As if it happened only yesterday...

But times, they are achanging and we have to flow with it... saw a special on sweet corn in the paper yesterday...

"Farm Fresg Corn..... 45 cents an ear or 2 for 80 cents"

What a deal...


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Does He Work In Unusual Ways?

So... Does He work in unusual ways....

This morning I went to drop 20 Avon flyers/packets for Syl less then an hour ago... Driving down the second street from us I noticed a little old lady taping a notice to the side of the Community Mail box. I pulled up next to her with 2 intentions. 1. So see what it was that had been lost and 2. To give her a packet...

She shared with me that her daughter, a RN for the School District had come by yesterday evening to drop some things off to her. In the 4-5 minutes she was inside someoen had gone into her unlocked car and took a very important Day Planner that held alot of important information.

Remembering the time I had lost my Dayplanner I told her I would keep a look out for it as I dropped the rest of my packets...

I had gone 8 houses away and when throwing the Avon packet I noticed that it was swerving towards the bushes at the edge of the sidewalk, but when it landed.... It landed on top of a large brown Day Planner lying onto of the border grass..... No Way....

I got out and walked towards it and it fit the description the lady had given me.... No way...

I jumped back in my car... drove back to the lady and told her that I had found it... She came with me, and she got out walked up to the planner and yes it was her daughter's. Nothing even looked like it had been taken...

I took her back to her home and she asked me to wait a minute... Her husband came back out with her and she handed me a $100.00 bill... I tried to say no but she and he insisted saying that I had just become their daughter's hero. Saying that she would be by later to give me a big hug...

You know.... In todays world, many say.... "Don't get involved.... It's just not worth it"...


Thank you Lord for sending me their way today.....


Monday, May 22, 2017

If We Consider Ourselves as the Chiefs of the Earth Tribe... Then...

“The frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.” —Native American Proverb

“When a man does a piece of work which is admired by all we say that it is wonderful; but when we see the changes of day and night, the sun, the moon, and the stars in the sky, and the changing seasons upon the earth, with their ripening fruits, anyone must realize that it is the work of someone more powerfrbul than man.” —Chief Standing Bear

This mural I noticed on the wall of the lodge at the top of Mt. Charlston yesterday and for some reason it sent me this messege..

Humans were not made Chief of the Earth Tribe to lead us to destruction but to protect all that lives here with us, including the earth itself."

I believe that WE are the second highest level of intelligence there has ever been,  We were given that level of intelligence for a reason... To Care for and Nurture all of that which is around us, not to destroy it...

Spread the Word....  Much of the damage we have done to the only place we have to live is done and we cannot fix it... But that does not mean we can't change our ways to stop killing our Earth...

Let's all do our part to start correcting our wrongs.....Even the smallest effort is better then no effort.

Save Our Earth.... If not for us, then for the generations that will follow.


If you agree.... pass it on....

Sunday, May 14, 2017

In Your Arms

To All of those who are "Moms".....

In Your Arms...

It was you who calmed our fears...
It was you who dried our tears....
It was you who was always there....
It was you who we could lean on....
No matter when, or where...
Your smell,
Your touch....
Your voice,
Your love....

They're all part of you
That no one can take from us, never....
These parts of you....
We'll remember Forever....

Well, Because...
Your Our Mom.....

Happy Mother's Day to you all...

Friday, May 12, 2017

A Streak of Silver

They say...

That in Southwest Nevada, way up on top of one of these little hills there is a natural cave which has a large streak of silver running through it...More then one man could ever pull out in a life time. 

This, brings on several questions that a person should ask themselves when you starting thinking... "Hmmm.. maybe if"....

1, How old are you?.

2. What kind of shape are you in?

3. Is it true that Rattlesnakes like nice cool caves?

4. Are you faster then a Rattlesnake?

5. Would you stop rolling before you got to the bottom of the hill?

6. If a old man is lying at the bottom of a hill after rolling 
down it, laying there screaming in anguish, would anyone hear him?

7. How hot does it get on the floor of one of these 
canyons in the summer?

8. Is there Good Cel Phone reception in these canyons?

9. Is the battery in my "Help, I've fallen and Can't Get Up Transmitter" still strong?

10. If it is still strong and it too survived the rolling down the side of the hill
 and the guy at the 
"Help Me, I've Fallen and Can't Get Up" Company office
saw just how far the hell you were out in the middle of nowhere,
would he even send someone for you?
 Or just run another ad on TV to get a new customer?

And finally...

11. Just how much is silver running per ounce these days?

                                            As for Me.... I'll just keep taking photos....

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

No Reasonable Answer...

No Reasonable Answer...
What happened today where a person choose to take another's life in Austin Texas is tragic. For a person to take another's life should always be looked at as an unneeded act of violence.
In this casee it was a knife that was used. But last week it was a Truck, last month, a chemical gas bomb, several years ago, a airplane,
But.... From the beginning of time it is not the type of weapon used that caused the act, it was a person choosing what to use as a weapon.
There will always be a way to kill...It is our curse of having the mental ability to devise a way to kill each other... If only we would use the same mental capabilities to find ways to stop these acts from happening.
Material items whether the jaw of an ass or a nuclear bomb are material items and only become lethal in the hands of mad men,,,
Then... there is the problem of determining "who" will do these deeds of atrocities.. The man standing beside you? The girl who sits in the corner across the room? The old man walking in the door? It's been proven by our own actions that anyone can be the pushed to the point of no return.
I wish God had given us all the power to be able to identify those who are thinking of doing such horrible acts so that they can be stopped before it happens.... Maybe then these acts of cruelty could be reduced.
To take away materials items just because they have been used for such acts toward humanity is unfair.....
Don't blame the weapon, because it was we who made it a weapon. don't use it as an excuse to cover the fact that unfortunatly we cannot control each others actions.
Somethings are never going to change...
There are good people and there are bad people. Both walk amoung us.
It is my opinion, that all we really can do is ask the Good Lord to keep us safe....


Mankind... has not changed.... 

We have only changed the world around us to better suit what it is we want....

Take it all away and we would still be just another creature of the earth, trying to survive...

Some of us,  feel that if we continue down this path we are being led down....

We will be soon back at the beginning..... 

Trying to do just that... trying to survive...



Talk.... Don't Spit

The tool of language is something we have come to use way to easily thinking that it can be put back into our pocket until we decide to pull it out and use again as a weapon...
What crawls across our tongue is sometimes the most dangerous weapon we can choose to use.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

If Only I Could

These I would Give To You, If Only I Could….. 
I would give you a life with no problems…

I would take all your fears away….

I would give you the solution to any question you may have….

I would give you all that you have ever wanted…

I would make the whole world understand how much you mean to me….

I wish I could promise all of this for you….

But I am just one man and there is only so much I can do….

So… these are the things I can do for you…

I can be by your side every morning…..

I can show you that you are never alone……

I can hold you and love you like no one can…..

I can defend you with my life without hesitation…..

I can give you all that I have and ever will have….

I wish there was more I could give you….

I guess what I’m saying….

Is all I can give you really…  

Is just me…...

But, I would have it no other way….

Because… You are my life…  You are my world….. 

I love you….


Sunday, January 15, 2017

At the Right Place at the Right Time

So….. Here is the real story about the making of  Steam Boat Willie….

Now a lot of people thought that the short movie plot for the movie was a long drawn out series of events that brought about this great achievement by a master mind of his time. 

Actually it was an unusual event that actually started Walt's mind gears to start turning. Few people knew that in the month of January of the year 1918 it snowed in a little town called Hollywood, Ca.  

Walt’s wife demanded that he shovel the snow off their driveway so she wouldn’t slip and fall.  Having no shovel himself, he went next door to the dude and borrowed his metal scoop that he found in the garage since the neighbor wasn’t home.  The shovel worked so well and Walt was feeling a little guilty about using the shovel without the neighbors permission that he felt he should help his neighbor out and went ahead and shoveled his neighbor’s sidewalk and driveway too. 

He was just finishing up his sidewalk as the sun set and he was plumb worn out.  His arms ached and his fingers seemed frozen but he was proud of his accomplishment.  He sat in his chair with cup of coffee while his wife prepared his supper.  Walt dozed off and slipped into a dream about a small mouse who had to shovel his yard with a huge shovel almost as big as him.  The mouse huffed and puffed pushing and scraping the edges of the sidewalks to clear it of the snow and ice.

 The work was hard but he never let him get him down and laughed and sang as he worked.  What he didn’t know was his neighbor who was a great big guy had come home and seeing that the mouse had shoveled his pathway he got mad because he had wanted to take a series of pictures, one right after the other, of the snow since it had never snowed in Hollywood before. 
  He walked up behind the mouse and grabbed him around the waist and stretching him out like a sausage in the middle.  He let the mouse go and ordered him to go shovel the coal into his furnace to warm his house up from the freak snow storm.  

The mouse was on his way to shovel the coal with the same shovel he had used to shovel the snow and stopped to watch an ice cream truck go by with whistles on top to call out to the kids announcing he was coming down the block….

That was when Walt woke up from his wife calling him for supper. 

The rest of the evening he thought about the dream but make believe plot didn’t seem quite right, coming to the conclusion that no one would get the story line or find it funny so he thought, “Hey maybe if I made the Mouse a crew member on a Steamboat on the Mississippi River and instead of shoveling snow he had snuck into the wheelhouse and was steering the boat since no one was there. But then the Great Big Ship’s Captain eased up behind him and pulled him away from Boat’s wheel throwing out to go work below to shovel the coal into the steam engines belly.

Walt told his wife about the dream he had and his idea for a "Moving Picture" which would tell the story.   She said that it just may work if he could persuade his new partner to go with the idea.  Walt said he thought that the guy may just do so and his wife said “I don’t know… Will he”……?

Now the rest of the story… I had the opportunity to purchase an old shovel at a garage sale a few years ago. I was told by the owner who was sell the shovel that he had been found in Walt Disney’s tool shed a year or so after Walt  had passed away and his wife seeing it as nothing but a rotting old 2bit shovel decided to sell it in a garage sale she had since it hadn’t snowed in Hollywood California since 1918 nor expected needing it in Orlando Florida where she was packing up to move to. 

This guy,  a Texan, who was a tourist there, saw the shovel and said “I bet I could use that shovel to scoop up snow at my house in the Texas Hill Country if by chance it ever snows there.  “I’ll give you 2 bits for it….”  She sold him the scoop, for 2bits, with a smile, after telling him the life story of the shovel.  

I was told this story by the very same old fellow at his garage sale in the hills outside of Austin, Texas as I rooted through the old tool shed he was clearing out and said he had no need for it since it never had snowed in the Texas Hill Country enough to need a shovel.  But it could be mine, if I gave him the 2bits he had given for it in 1967. Why of course... I bought it.


Here we stand in my carport at my garage sale in Lake Charles Louisiana and you Sir, being the sharp and obviously street smart marketing expert that you seem to be since you have stood here and listen to this long winded story ask me how much do I want for this old 2bit shovel?
 Why I think $10.000.00 could persuade me into letting you have it…   Smile..

Thank you… I know you will enjoy it….

Oh yea, just a reminder... If  your going to borrow you neighbor's tools... make sure you return them. Good Neighbors are hard to keep....

See folks... Sometimes you just gotta be at the ....

Right Place, at the Right Time..

Written as a Storytellers'  Story..... With Respect and a High Degree of Admiration to a Great Movie Maker.....