They say, that there are a few jobs that you wouldn't do for all the money in the world. I have done one of those and lived to talk about it. I am not the only one that has shared the experiences of this job, but would like to think that I have come out a better man from it's experiences.
You will find them all over the world fulfilling the expectations of just about each and everyone one of us at one time or another. We pass by them everyday and without a second thought continue on our way, blotting out what THEY must be going through to achieve the goals set by us as a community. and I must agree when looking back, I'm not sure if I would do it again.
The job consist of several demands that are out of the ordinary. They rise usually about 4 a.m. to prepared for the day. In many cases, only after preparing their family for the day ahead do they prepare themselves for what is ahead of them. Once those duties are done. they leave home in the dark and make their way to their place of business. Once there and only after helping to UP the moral and spirits of the others who share this job do they face the first duty of the day and that is to ensure the equipment needed for their task is also ready for it's day.
In many cases this is done in weather that most of us wouldn't ever consider going out into. It may range from temperatures ranging from below zero up to scalding heat not any less then those found in the worst deserts on earth. Driving wind and rain are only a part of what they may find facing them as well as the dark of night. Their tool of trade most of us wouldn't dare consider using, yet we as a society expect them to use it at a expert level each and everyday. On average it is about 37 feet long and 9 feet wide. It stands usually about 11 feet high and will hold safely up to 71 passengers.
Ahhh... I think your getting the picture... Yes it's usually bright yellow, in fact it's color has become a standard for this shade of color. Yes, that's right SCHOOL BUS YELLOW... Welcome to the world of the School Bus Driver and for some. who lucky, their Assistants.
I know these people. I have been one of them, trained many of them and helped so they can make the ride for your children as safe as humanly possible. So lets look at when these amazing people do each and every morning for us and our children.
At usually about 6 a.m. they place themselves out on our public roads to take on and endure the wrath of that which is before them. The sun is not yet up no are many of us. But their there, driving the highways, city streets and country roads to pick up and deliver your children to and from school each day.
Now add to this the increasing amount of traffic that is slowly growing as the minutes into their morning routes continues. They are there for you, taking your kids to school for those who don't want to be on the road or going to work with a sense of "get out of my way". Or our minds are not on our driving, it's on what our day ahead of us has to offer us. Most School Bus Drivers will agree that their passengers are not the problems in the morning. It's dodging the other drivers on the road. The kids are not yet totally awake yet and step on the bus with a mumble and dragging their backpacks behind them.
The danger is the lady in the mini-van in front of your bus applying the makeup, talking on the phone and trying to dress the 3 year old that is in the backseat while driving. Yes, I have personally seen it. Or the man who is shaving, texting and already 30 minutes into his day at the office through the phone while he is still 30 miles away from work. Lets not forget the guy who is constantly 15 minutes late for work and expects everyone, especially that school bus to get out of his way.
Ahhh.... but about half way through the route the kids have now woken up and have decided that its time to make their presence known. Keep in mind, that in most cases the ages ranges from 5 years old to 16 year old "I know everything" teenagers who have not found a friend or got a car that can get them of this "Stupid Bus".
Bobby took Helen's chocolate milk, which wasn't suppose to be opened on the bus in the first place, then threw the dripping, half filled box at Herbert just because Herbert looked at him wrong yesterday afternoon. Half of them are no longer staying in their seats and Scarlet is letting her long beautiful blonde hair hang out of the very last window in the back and they are coming up to that tree that sometimes brushes against that side of the bus right when that crazy lady with the eye liner pencil is pulling up beside the bus on the other side.
So..... If by chance you see a School Bus Driver who has just finished her/his morning route, do like we do the Veterans and thank them for what they do for us....
Then.... tell them good luck on their afternoon run....
Later.... We will talk about the life of being the General Manager of the School Bus Drivers.
Oh.... the stories I could tell....
Onward Thru The Fog...
You will find them all over the world fulfilling the expectations of just about each and everyone one of us at one time or another. We pass by them everyday and without a second thought continue on our way, blotting out what THEY must be going through to achieve the goals set by us as a community. and I must agree when looking back, I'm not sure if I would do it again.
The job consist of several demands that are out of the ordinary. They rise usually about 4 a.m. to prepared for the day. In many cases, only after preparing their family for the day ahead do they prepare themselves for what is ahead of them. Once those duties are done. they leave home in the dark and make their way to their place of business. Once there and only after helping to UP the moral and spirits of the others who share this job do they face the first duty of the day and that is to ensure the equipment needed for their task is also ready for it's day.
In many cases this is done in weather that most of us wouldn't ever consider going out into. It may range from temperatures ranging from below zero up to scalding heat not any less then those found in the worst deserts on earth. Driving wind and rain are only a part of what they may find facing them as well as the dark of night. Their tool of trade most of us wouldn't dare consider using, yet we as a society expect them to use it at a expert level each and everyday. On average it is about 37 feet long and 9 feet wide. It stands usually about 11 feet high and will hold safely up to 71 passengers.
I know these people. I have been one of them, trained many of them and helped so they can make the ride for your children as safe as humanly possible. So lets look at when these amazing people do each and every morning for us and our children.
At usually about 6 a.m. they place themselves out on our public roads to take on and endure the wrath of that which is before them. The sun is not yet up no are many of us. But their there, driving the highways, city streets and country roads to pick up and deliver your children to and from school each day.
The danger is the lady in the mini-van in front of your bus applying the makeup, talking on the phone and trying to dress the 3 year old that is in the backseat while driving. Yes, I have personally seen it. Or the man who is shaving, texting and already 30 minutes into his day at the office through the phone while he is still 30 miles away from work. Lets not forget the guy who is constantly 15 minutes late for work and expects everyone, especially that school bus to get out of his way.
Bobby took Helen's chocolate milk, which wasn't suppose to be opened on the bus in the first place, then threw the dripping, half filled box at Herbert just because Herbert looked at him wrong yesterday afternoon. Half of them are no longer staying in their seats and Scarlet is letting her long beautiful blonde hair hang out of the very last window in the back and they are coming up to that tree that sometimes brushes against that side of the bus right when that crazy lady with the eye liner pencil is pulling up beside the bus on the other side.
So..... If by chance you see a School Bus Driver who has just finished her/his morning route, do like we do the Veterans and thank them for what they do for us....
Then.... tell them good luck on their afternoon run....
Later.... We will talk about the life of being the General Manager of the School Bus Drivers.
Oh.... the stories I could tell....
Onward Thru The Fog...
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