Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Fears and One Hope

I know that with the coming of age there comes new fear in one's life.

I understand that old age is part of life and each of us have a limited time to be here on earth.

What I fear is what may happen to me in my coming years.

These are my fears;

That my daughter will grow up and ask me to let her go....

Others will think bad of me and shut me out...

I will fail to teach others the importance of believing in God.

I will not be kind enough to others....

I will forget what my Father and Mother taught me....

I will not be there for someone when they needed me....

And then there is my one and only hope.

It is that I will be allowed to remember how fortunate I have been to have lived such a wonderful life.

 I have worked hard for my memory's, my only hope is that I be allowed to enjoy them.

Please help us all by contributing to the fight to find a cure to Alzheimer's Disease.

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