We sat and talked with a Retired Navy Captain who had been on Guam in WW II as Julian had. Not sure of the month but he remembered it was in 1945.
I then met this Boatswains Mate who had sailed out of the East Coast on a Destroyer Escort.
As we sat and talked he said 'I bet I could stand up and use this stick of yours which he proceeded to do much to the amazement of the lady who was the recreation coordinator.
Afterwards, she then shared that he was a good Painter even though he was blind....
It was then that I had to sit down, and only then realized why he was listening to a recording of a old story about a famous pirate of long ago when we had been introduced.
We talked and shared a few sea story's until it was obvious he needed to be alone to listen to his story.
Before I left, He asked if I was going to come back sometime. And I of course, said That's a promise I plan to keep.
He thanked me for the stick and said 'If nothing else I can use on these mean old Nurses who won't leave me alone'.
But he said it with a smile......
Looks like I need to make a few more sticks so I can go back and make some new 'Old Friends'
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