Monday, April 27, 2015

Well of course its Monday Morning....

Got back from a 7 hour drive at 4am from taking a client to Tiki Village (Galveston).

Took until about 5am to relax and go to sleep

The Major Thunderstorm started at 6am.... lasted till 6:45

The Garbage truck came by at 7am... damn forgot to take the garbage out...

The trucks pulled up at 7:15 across the road to cut a big tree down in the neighbors backyard...

At 7:30 came the large crane and front-end loader used to ferry the large tree's limbs over the house across the street with the men screaming at each other arguing on the proper way to set the cranes outrigger legs.

The saws started at 7:45....

They will be there until about 4:pm....

I'm taking a shower and going back to work... at least I have peace and quiet in the cars...
That is all.....

note: Thank Im going to sneak over and let the air out of the tires on the truck and disposal trailer parked in front of my house.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Diary of a Crazy Limo Driver

I returned last night from my trip with the "girls".  Picture it...

Heather's Birthday Party Trip

11 Eleven year old girls.
2 Middle School Sisters,  
1 Mom,
1 Grandmom

and a Father (who was the smart one because he followed in his truck)....

I picked them up at the Elementary School in Dequincy, La and took them to the "Bounce Around" in Beaumont (about an hour away).

The screaming, and hollering, laughing and shouting lasted the entire trip and was deafening, and I had my Privacy Wall UP! I could only feel sorry for Mom and Grandmom who were with them in the back.  Once there,  they jumped, bounced, played games, pushed each other around, ate pizzza opened presents, ate cake, ate more pizza, another 30 minutes on the inflatable slides then retuned to the Limo..  

On the trip back I offered them the one CD I had with me because they forgot to bring their own and earlier on the trip there could be heard switching radio stations at the rate of 3 per minute trying to find something to listen to that they all knew.

The CD?  Elvis' Greatest Hits.....

Oh yea... How crazy was it?  Well I noticed people who were passing us laughing, looking back towards the car and shaking their heads..

On returning to Dequincy.. I learned that all the girls were going to the Birthday Girl's House to spend the night...

I walk over to the Father and offered him the "extra"  $20.00 tip that "Grandma" had given me saying "You deserve this more then me."

He smiled at me and said, "Naw, you keep it.  You think I'm staying in THAT house tonight? Oh Hell No... I paid for all of this....  I'm going over to my friends house... ITS POKER NIGHT...

Smart Man...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Alligator Lips

Excuse Me Sir?
Do You Have Any Fresh Alligator Lips?
I hear that they are really enjoyable
if made a certain way.
Someone told me that a long time ago
But, they must be fresh they say,
no older then this morning’s sun.
Yes… I agree.. Pork is good
and thank you for offering, 

but that’s not what Im looking for today
So, I guess I will just keep asking.
Excuse Me Miss?
Do You have any fresh Alligator Lips?
Yes,,, that’s what I asked about.
No… Chicken, I’ve tried and it is very good,
I like it even better than trout,
those who know and have tried both
say they too agree but that neither are
nowhere near and shouldn't be comapared
to what it is that  I’m looking for.
Is there no one out there who can asnwer my plea?

Excuse me.. Sir?
Do you have by chance any Fresh Alligator Lips today?
Yes.. that is what I request
They say once found and given a try
that I will join those who claim that they're really the best
No? , Well, O.K. Thank You for
taking the time to look for me anyway,,,
No, no don't worry,. Its not your problem
I'll just keep on looking, another time, another day.
I can only hope somewhere,
I  find what I'm looking for.
Maybe then, I will finally understand
that those before me only wanted to help me
and offer me things that could  make me a better man.

Maybe tomorrow….

Onward Thru The Fog…
John C. Glass