Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Yes Lord?

So.... This afternoon, I''m standing in the small shower stall in our bathroom. I had just applied the shampoo (dandruff) and was standing with my eyes closed with my head cocked back letting the warm water fall on my shoulders...

 When Suddenly there is a bright flash of light from above......

After almost jumping out of my skin, I'm thinking.... OK Lord... You've got my attention!!! I stood there with eyes closed waiting for him to tell me that I better start paying more ...attention to others and to behave myself. 
Thats when this voice says from just outside the shower curtain instead of over my right shoulder which is where he usually whispers to me from,

'How ya feeling?"

It was my wife Syl who had slipped into the room silently and had cut the overhead light on above me.....being the kind and understanding woman that she is and who was 'JUST CHECKING ON ME....

Gotta Lover Her..

I've decided I will talk to her in about 3 days....


Good thing I was in the shower....


Onward Thru The Fog.....