Saturday, November 30, 2013

Megan's Journey

The way we see ourselves is very important because it is that image that helps to empower our hopes and dreams....

Who and what she will become, lies within those visions of herself....

May there be no limits nor boundries to what she can attain in life....
She has so much ahead of her...

May her journey through life be wonderful....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Lucky Day....

I found this dollar bill folded up into 4ths several years ago on a sidewalk in Austin, Texas.         
I remember that upon finding it, I smiled and thought to myself "Wow, I found a dollar, this is my “Lucky Day" which changed my attitude for the rest of the day.  It wasn't until later that evening that I discovered its oddity when unfolding it and how lucky I truly was.  

So now, I carry  my "lucky dollar" with me in my wallet and keep it there to mind me how fortunate I am.

Since then, each day, I drop a folded or what I like to call  a "Unicorn Rolled" dollar to the ground over my  shoulder and I don't look back, not caring "who" is going to find it, but only the hope that someone will and feel "lucky" at least for a little while. 

Many people would say that "throwing money away" like that is silly and I have been asked "Don’t you realize how much money you have lost doing that?

My answer is... I haven't lost a thing , because I feel that if I can't afford to give a dollar away each day,  then I'm not doing something right and I need to re-think my attitude towards life and being lucky enough to be here to enjoy life.

So...If by chance... you ever find one of my "lucky dollars" along your way... I hope you smile and enjoy  feeling "lucky" for a little while.
Then maybe,  if you feel really lucky and share my feelings.  You will take that dollar, and drop it over your shoulder to pass its luck on to someone else...